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Cooking & Wellness Programs

In an ongoing effort to increase local food awareness and access, Middle of the Root has developed a Cooking & Wellness Program that is both scalable and adaptable based on specific goals, people and organizational needs. We work with local organizations to develop curriculum, coordinate classes, and even stock shelves with local products. We also offer evaluation tools to help measure program effectiveness and to aid with grant funding. We’ve built an extended network of nutrition- and health-focused professionals to work with us in this outreach. Other partners include local farms, chefs, restaurants, churches, and other community organizations and businesses to help develop content and contribute food for hands-on learning.


We are in our third year with this program and continue to look for additional ways to keep communities engaged in possibilities for healthier eating and better local food access. We currently work with two organizations, Next Step Ministries and The Shalom Project's Flourish Program.

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